Friday, March 30, 2012

Things will arise

So I'm happy that I finally got my car. All I need to do now is put insurance on it when I get the money.
I need to super clean it out too, which I seem to do a lot. But that's a good thing.
It is an '89 Nissan 300zx (or something like that). It's a nice sports car.

I already presented my VOODOO speech, which my classmates seemed to absolutely LOVE! Though the teacher had some second thoughts, but it's alright. I'm working on another speech for PBL, Phi Beta lambda for the SLC, State Leadership Conference. Funny thing about this is that Daniel and I are both in the Public Speaking competition. And since there can only be two people that go to Nationals per state, there is a slim chance that both of us could win and we could both go! Wish us luck!

Recently I went to the doctor for a follow-up on an earlier appointment, and it seems as though I will have to have a procedure done on this body of mine, so I have that to look forward to I guess. It's called a Colposcopy. They need to do a cervical biopsy- in lamens terms they need to look at my cervix. I'm not really nervous about the procedure going wrong or anything, I just wonder what the results will be.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

My first week of selling AVON

          So, as you may have already known, I recently became an Independent Sales Representative for the company AVON, and it's been about a week and a half already. So far since today was the first day that I could go ahead and submit my orders, I've had a total of 5, all coming to one amount of $132.96. I'd say that's not bad. I haven't quite calculated my earnings yet though. But so far I really like it! It gives me a chance to meet new people and get into my business-self lol. Also, I've decided on buying the car instead of the laptop. I currently have enough money for only the car itself and getting new tags. I'll have to wait on insurance. But soon, I hope! I really like the car. Sometime I will post a picture of it. It's an ugly car, but it's MY ugly car lol.
Also, I've been working on a speech for my Public Speaking class; it's on Voodoo. Cool, huh?
Well, sorry to make this short, but I must go help with dinner. Mother is sick.
Hope you enjoyed!
Q's, C's, R's?