Friday, March 16, 2012


This past Wednesday, March 14 2012, I went to Excision. It was like a dubstep concert. Along with me was my lovely boyfriend, my sister, and my friend who invited us. Well when we got there is was alright, there weren't that many people there yet. But as the place started to hype up, my sister, who was drunk, kept tugging on my arm to go dance with her. Now I was completely sober, so it was kind of hard to get into the rhythm of everything, but I tried to dance anyways with my boyfriend. And it didn't really work out for me. I say this because my boyfriend cannot dance. So when we try to, we're not on the same beat and rhythm, so it's really hard to dance. So I didn't really want to dance anymore. And this is the way I see it: I want to dance with my boyfriend, but he can't dance. I would dance with my sister, but she's an abusive dancer. @_@ And I can't dance with anyone else because my boyfriend would get jealous. So what am I supposed to do?! Just not dance? But when I do that, he thinks something is wrong. Which it was at the time, but if I told him he would have gotten upset and mope around, which he did because I told him the following morning. So I'm in a lose lose situation.
I've tried to get him to dance with me when it's only us two, but he's too shy to try.
I just wish we would dance more often.
He's tried a few times, but not many.
At least he's tried though.

Thank you for your time.
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