Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Apocalyptic Index

I doubt I'm the only one who believes in any kind of post-apocalyptic world, right? And to be honest, anything could happen. I'm not just talking about zombies or aliens, but about disease/infection outbreaks, military control, nuclear warfare, etc. Well anywho, since I believe in this, I've taken the liberty of making myself savvy in the whole knowing how to survive stuff. Well, I'm trying anyways. Plus even if nothing ever happens, it'd be a wonderful array of skills to have, right?


  1. survival technique number 1: The entire dandelion plant, leaves, roots, and flowers, are edible. There are two types that I know of that are edible. One is the "Cat ear" dandelion that looks like regular dandelion; however, the leaves are curved instead of jagged,and the roots are woody like. The plant has multiple flowers per stalk. Be careful in eating to many flowers; it can cause headaches (so I have read). Real dandelion has only one flower per stalk, and the leaves are jagged as well. Beware can act as a diuretic if eaten in excess.

  2. Wow I actually didn't know that. Thanks for the tip! Know how to distill and purify water?


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