Thursday, June 21, 2012

50 Things You Don't Need to Know

I find it interesting when I know others with seemingly useless knowledge because it often makes for great conversation in my eyes, even if I do not understand, because the more knowledge you have the better off you are. Here are 50 things you don't need to know.

50 Things you don't need to know

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Psychology of color.

Ever since I moved in with my boyfriend, I've turned into a pretty little house wife, although we are not married. In other words I've just been into the whole "tending to a house" thing, ya know like what are the best cleaning supplies to use, laundry detergent, keeping good and healthy food in the house, making everything nice and pretty, you know that kind of stuff. Although I cannot have everything the way I really want it, because his family lives with us and most of the house is cluttered with their stuff, I try to keep up with the upkeep lol. While I was on StumbleUpon, I found this nifty little website about the psychology of color and what colors you should paint your house for the best results. Check it out!

Apocalyptic Index

I doubt I'm the only one who believes in any kind of post-apocalyptic world, right? And to be honest, anything could happen. I'm not just talking about zombies or aliens, but about disease/infection outbreaks, military control, nuclear warfare, etc. Well anywho, since I believe in this, I've taken the liberty of making myself savvy in the whole knowing how to survive stuff. Well, I'm trying anyways. Plus even if nothing ever happens, it'd be a wonderful array of skills to have, right?