Sunday, May 5, 2013


Lol aww, I feel low. The only person I feel is my best friend (out of fam) doesn't feel that I'm their best friend. How bad am I?

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Nuclear War?

So, I know I tend to make fun of Kim, leader of North Korea, however it is not always a subject to be taken lightly. Yes, he makes comments and suggestions and people laugh at him and turn him down, but he is wanting to try to take over some new territory, which would be a good thing for his country. I feel that nothing is for sure or certain, but in this day in age, anything could happen. So, I'm thinking of taking up MMA- Jui Jitsu to help prepare for anything that could happen. Really, I just want to be able to protect and defend myself if/when necessary. It's $70/mo. And that's where I get stuck. I've already calculated everything out, for bills and groceries and other necessities for my cat or I- I would be spending at least $200/mo. for everything. To some it may not sound like a lot of money to spend, but for me it is. My measly min. wage job may not be sufficient for all of that. I mean, I only work so often. But hopefully that can change after grad. So, I will keep you updated, whoever YOU are. And I leave you with these.

Let's Keep It Interesting

Hello all. Here are a few updates to my life.
- I graduate from college next week with my Associate in Arts degree.
-After graduation, I plan to work and save up for a car.
- I still do my "homemade advertising" for HBW and Wasted Agenda
- Eli (my kitten) is almost 1 year old
- We finally bought a new fridge since our last one had broken and been broken for about 2 or 3 months
- I am still single, but Daniel and I have matching tattoos c:
- I have found more positivity in my life and have began to spread it to others around me. You can thank MODSUN for that! I've also read his book, which I DO recommend, to everyone!
- I deleted my private picture blog. I don't know why really, but I figured it would do me some good. If you want to get to see me naked for entertaining purposes, you have to get to know ME first. It's not that free.
However, I might still do nude photos, but not dirty ones. More artistic, you know?
- I've made new friends, as I hope to do so everyday, and I'm getting out of my shell again.
- I might start making YouTube videos again. We will see.

Questions, Comments, Requests?