Saturday, March 3, 2012


          Since I'm trying to get my blog out into the public, I've been signing up for different websites and have been talking about it more to different people. This code G2KWYX5WA5W7 is for one website called
          So far this site seems to be alright, and hopefully it will assist me in getting more viewers and whatnot.
Tell your family and friends about this blog! Help spread the word. Show me some love and support!
Thank you for your time.


  1. I have been trying to get my site/s publicity too. My recommendation (based upon where my customers come from), is to go to a chatroom that happens to pertain to some of the things you are going to be blogging about, and make a regular presence at that room (for about 3 months). While you are there, every now and then, in a not spam way, share your blog.

    Of course, make sure your site is registered with other search engines so people can google you.

  2. Hmm, that sounds good! But I blog about the things that I come across in my life. It's not a real particular subject, lol. But I'll look into it, thanks!


Please tell me what you REALLY think!